Working From Home: Internet Reliability Survey 2022

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WFH: Tessares Internet Reliability Survey 2022

Our latest consumer research in France and The UK shows that most people working from home expect to be continuing to work from home, at least some of the time. BUT, three-quarters report connectivity problems with 1 out of 6 respondents claiming connectivity issues several times per month.

In March 2022, Tessares conducted market research in France, the UK and Belgium. Over 1,000 consumers responded in each of France and the UK. All participants were responsible for home telecoms purchases. We also surveyed 250 employees of Belgian companies.

How often have you been working from home during the last 12 months? 

In both the UK and France, about half of our survey panel work from home at least one day per week so any loss of connection is a loss of productivity.

Current WFH Work From Home Frequency in the UK and France



How often do you expect to work from home in the next 12 months? 

Interestingly, almost as many respondents expect to continue to work from home. This is true in both the UK and France. 

Expected Work From Home Frequency in the UK and France



How often have you lost / experienced outages with your home connection in the last 12 months?

Three quarters  of UK respondents reported problems with their Internet connection at least occasionally, with 13% experiencing problems several times per month and 5% experiencing problems several times per week.

More than three quarters  of French respondents reported problems with their Internet connection at least occasionally, with 14% experiencing problems several times per month and 4% experiencing problems several times per week.

Internet connection outage frequency in the UK and France

On average, what is the duration of your Internet outage?

4% of UK respondents who had experienced outages have been without Internet connectivity for more than a day. Over 50% of respondents said they had lost their connection for more than 15 minutes. 

In France, 8% of respondents reporting outages had experienced an outage of more than a day with almost 50% saying the interruption had lasted over 15 minutes, long enough to have to reschedule a meeting.

Internet outage duration in the UK and France

“Even a short outage for one employee can result in a productivity impact on a whole team.”

Working from home is far from over and will continue to be a productivity factor for the foreseeable future. Ensuring employees have a reliable Internet connection is just as important now as it was during the pandemic lock downs.

Since tis blog was first published, Tessares has launched Ottie, a new solution for remote workers which increases the reliability of home Internet connections by switching to the best available mobile network whever the fixed broadband connection goes down. For more information on Ottie, please visit the dedicate Ottie website

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